This section of the web site is used to publish Managerial Presentations on current topical subjects for IT Production Managers.
These papers may be freely distributed and copied without charge. Please include an acknowledgement when doing so.
In addition to the Management Papers below, we have also published some relevant Case Studies which demonstrate the successful implementation of our approach for assisting IT Production Managers.
Managing IT Production Costs - Delivering IT Value
As the focus of IT Management moves from developing new IT applications to managing existing systems ("keeping the lights on"), there is an increasing need for consultancy services that can help the IT Production Manager deliver improved effectiveness and efficiency. This white paper describes how Dennis Adams Associates consultancy services can help address this need. DAA_valueprop.pdf - 184 KB. |
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Introduction to ISO 20000 for SMEs
This presentation explains what ISO/IEC 20000 represents by reference to the other standards frameworks such as ITIL and BS 15000. It also addresses the question of how relevant/practical it is to proceed with ISO 20000 certification for small/medium enterprises. iso20kintro.pdf - 6.5 MB. |
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The BOG? Chart - Assessing Customer feedback
The "BOG?" Chart is a means of visually representing some of the challenges associated with conducting customer surveysand customer feedback. This will fundamentally alter the way you look at customer surveys in future. BOG-customer-feeedback.pdf - 92 KB. |
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De-Merger - how to re-focus IT Production.
Drawing on his experience with working with de-merger of IT, Dennis Adams identifies a number of key elements that are required in order to successfully enable a subsidiary company to de-merge. demerger071116.pdf - 120 KB. |
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ITIL V3 - Adding Value
For some people, ITIL version 3 is saying nothing new. For others, it is a radical revision of the original direction of ITIL. This document has been built on conversations with knowledgeable practitioners and theorists of ITIL over the many months since ITIL V3 was launched. ITILV3-value071113.pdf - 152 KB. |
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Highly effective IT Production Organisations
A number of different analyst organisations over the years have propounded the concept of highly effective IT organisations. This paper views the concept specifically from the aspect of IT Production. effective071210.pdf - 108 KB. |
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The DR Datacentre - is there is a more Cost-Effective way?
Prepared for the 2007 UK Oracle User Group. PPT file is created from Powerpoint 2003. ukoug20071203-datacentre.ppt - 600 KB. |
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Methodologies for managing IT - a Voyage through Acronyms.
Prepared for the 2007 UK Oracle User Group. PPT file is created from Powerpoint 2003. ukoug20071204-acronyms.ppt - 2.1 MB. |
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Key Control - IT Production made simple
Commercial IT systems impact our lives every day – but how best to manage them? Dennis Adams discusses some of the challenges of managing IT production, and how they can be addressed. HTML version. |
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PDF copy of this article, as it first appeared in the February 2007 issue of Quality World magazine and later on the Chartered Quality Institute website.QW_ keycontrol.pdf - 140 KB. |
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Link to original article in Quality World on the Chartered Quality Institute website. |
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Production Suitability Matrix
This spreadsheet summarises the Production Suitability Criteria, and acts as a useful checklist chart for assessing the Production Suitability of a software product. ProdMatrix.xls - 56 KB. |
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Creating an IT Production Architecture function: the forgotten Architecture role
Prepared for the UK Oracle User Group Management Information SIG in 2007, this presentation covers the importance of Production Architecture for ensuing long term viability of IT solutions. PPT file is created from Powerpoint 2003. ukoug-mi-200702.ppt - 2.2 MB. |
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Coming Soon: ITIL Version 3
Subtitled - Step forward? Or Step into the darkness? - this brief presentation looks at the changes which will be introduced to ITIL with version 3. ITILv3.ppt - 60KB. |
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Beginners Guide to ITIL: Help or Hinderance?
Prepared for the UK Oracle User Group Management Information SIG in 2006, this presentation is an introduction to ITIL, and the importance of Processes, for technical managers. PPT file is created from Powerpoint 2003. ukoug-mi-200610.ppt - 1.8 MB. |
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Processes: Auditing Analysing and Implementing
This presentation covers how to approach the challenge of introducing Processes and Procedures to IT Production Management, as part of an overall "MOPS" Strategy. Many of these techniques are based on ISO 9000 Guidance. paai.ppt - 1.1 MB. |
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Challenges of Managing Live Applications
Given at the Transflow TAMS production launch in November 2005, this presentation identifies the specific challenges of Managing Live Applications and how the MOPS approach can be used to address them. PPT file is created from Powerpoint 2003. tams200511da.ppt - 2.7 MB. |
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Life After Go-Live: How to Manage IT Production
Prepared for the UK Oracle User Group in 2005, this presentation identifies the specific challenges which face IT Production and how to create a Strategy which will justify your IT Production Investment. PPT file is created from Powerpoint 2003. ukoug2005da.ppt - 4.5 MB. |
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PDF copy is for printed notes. ukoug2005da.pdf - 13.7 MB. |
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Integrating RUP into Traditional Development Methodology
Based on experience as part of a Consultancy team that provided assistance to a client who wanted to integrate best practice from the Rational Unified Process (RUP) into their more traditional development methodology. rup2trad.pdf - 348 KB. |
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Capacity Management for IT Production Management
Discusses the justification for creating an IT Production Capacity Planning function, and how this could be implemented, based on ITIL Capacity Management principles. CapMan.pdf - 216 KB. |
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Building a Financial Inter-Pricing System
This Paper contains Outline Design Principles Approach to create a Financial Inter-pricing System for the Fixed Income division of a major Investment Bank. The document highlights the issues of Scalability, Reliability etc. which need to be addressed in such a project. FI4FI.pdf - 40 KB. |
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Consultancy for IT Production Management
Our approach is based on a conviction that Technology, alone, will not deliver improvements. What is needed is a Strategic Management Approach, based on Metrics, Operational Tools, Processes and Procedures, and Standards. consultITP.pdf - 200 KB. |
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Meeting Big Blue
This presentation, which was developed in Feb 2002 for the IBM Users Group, reflects some of my personal thoughts on initiating a relationship with a big organisation that we had previously not deal with. ibmnew.ppt - 77 KB. |
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10 False Reasons for chosing Linux
Linux has an increasing market presence. Whilst the 'open source' approach to software has many advantages, there are valid reasons to be cautious when chosing a business solution. This presentation was initially developed at the end of 1999.10nolinux.ppt - 55 KB. |
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A Post-Millenium IT Strategy
This paper was developed during the latter half of 1999, based on my then assessment of the likely dangers and potential for IT in the 21st Century. Looking back, it is typical of the panic/hype of the time. However, there are a few pointers to the way IT can be managed in future.posty2k.ppt - 55 KB. |
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A Methodology for installing additional minicomputer hardware.
Written in November 1988, where it appeared in Computing magazine, this is one of the first IT papers published by Dennis, whilst he was at B. Commercial Services. Despite it's age, there are a number of basic principles of good IT governance that still apply. Re-printed from the original submission. newVAX.pdf - 72 KB. |
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