As with any publication (which must, by definition, include a web site) it is appropriate to acknowledge the influence and input from other people who have in some direct, or indirect, way contributed to the final result.
I am therefore listing below some of those many people who have influenced my development and thinking during the first 20 years and more of my IT career. For simplicity, I have put their names in alphabetical order.
With the passage of time, I have lost touch with some of the people in the list below. I also suspect that there are many others whose names should appear here, and do not do so, simply due to an error/omission on my part. Nevertheless, to each and every one of them I acknowledge that they have been a positive influence on my IT skills and understanding. - Thank You.
Andreas Gutzweiller
Andy Nash
Bertrand Sirodot
Colin Chatelier
Chris Worgan
Dave Dennis
Dave DeWalt
Franky Uzan
Geoff Marchant
Gerard Hocks
Greg Hooper
Grenville Benton
| |
Iain Wilson
Jeremy Nicholls
Jonathan Williams
John Smedley
John Symington
John Wallis
Jon Rhodes
| |
Ken Richards
Lawrence Yarham
Les Green
Lesly Shotton
Mark Titterington
Nick Denning
| |
Patrick Dufond
Paul Cusens
Paul O'Sullivan
Paul Williams
Richard Shepherd
Simon Pearce
Stephen Baird
Steve Key
Tom Kelleher
Vincent Smith
In addition to the above, there are a number of other people, not connected with the world of IT, who have had a positive influence on my life in general. To them, I pass on my grateful thanks
Bill & Maureen Tizzard
Dave Harvey
Dave & Pam Lyons
David Dixon
David & Julie Straughton
Dixon & Sue Upcott
Don & Stephanie Smith
| |
Ian & Val Simpson
Jeanette Davis
Jim Elmer
John & Lorna Jenkins
John & Marion Groves
Julian & Debbie Shellard
Ken & Carol Shelley
| |
Neil & Jo Machin
Pete & Fran Penberthy
Ron & Margaret Willmont
Steve Shufflebotham
Steve & Lynn Pigeon |
Finally, it should be pointed out that the development of Dennis Adams Associates, including the contents of this web site, are my sole responsibility, and any errors, ommissions, and representations are due to me alone.
Dennis Adams